How to Source Nurses and Licensed Medical Practioners

The long awaited Dueling Sourcers show kicked off this summer with legendary Sourcers, Dean Da Costa and Steve Levy proving that there is more than one way to source for talent. Hosted by TechRecruit Conference CEO, Stacey Broadwell, The Dueling Sourcers show allows viewers and virtual attendees to catapult into the strategic thought process of prominent sourcers as they harness tools, the web and experience to find what cannot be found. One tool you will NEVER see these aficionados use - LinkedIn.

In the premier of Dueling Sourcers, Steve Levy and Dean Da Costa tackle a very real challenge during the Covid-19 pandemic, finding licences medical practitioners. In this segment of the Dueling Sourcers show, Steve and Dean offer viewers unique as well as old-school solutions for identifying talent. Watch.


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Dueling Sourcers & The Summer of Learning