Allen: Utilize Employee Referrals

In a recent episode of Dueling Sourcers, the educational video series from TechRecruit providing tips, secrets, and hacks for sourcers everywhere, Landon Allen explained to host / TechRecruit CEO Stacey Broadwell how he would find people in niche markets. The key was finding someone through other people in your company who you already know – the simple referral method.


“When you’re dealing with very niche recruitment, you have to rely on who you know, how you know them, and why they are good,” he said. In the past, a lot of those conversations took place around the watercooler, Landon explained, talking to people in his own company and asking who they knew would be good for the job. He noted there was a time when 60 percent of all hires were through the company’s own referral program. Getting referrals from your internal staff is still a great way to recruit today.  


Landon Allen is a Talent Acquisition Manager at PayPal and has nearly 25 years’ experience working in tech recruiting and sourcing jobs. 


Dueling Sourcers is the monthly show from TechRecruit that proves there is more than one way to source for talent. To find out more about Landon’s tips and hacks, check out the entire Dueling Sourcers episode in the TechRecruit Members Hub.


Chuidian: Source Through Conferences


Watch Dueling Sourcers Collier-Chuidian Show Now