Dueling Sourcers Pro Tips: Greg Hawkes Recommends Using Tools Like Data Miner

In a recent episode of Dueling Sourcers, the educational video series from TechRecruit providing tips, secrets, and hacks for sourcers everywhere, Principal Sourcing Leader/VP Greg Hawkes talks about his different techniques and styles of sourcing talent. 


In one of his tips, he suggests using tools like Data Scraper, Data Miner, and Web Scraper to gather more information about potential contacts. For instance, these simple tools can enable you to pull more complete applicant profiles if you’re looking to find potential candidates in specific locations.


Greg offers more useful sourcing tips on his YouTube channel here. To find out more about simple tips and hacks like this from Greg and other well-respected sourcers in the tech world, check out the entire Dueling Sourcers episode on the TechRecruit Members Hub.


Dueling Sourcers Pro Tips: Greg Hawkes Says Do Your Research


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