Dueling Sourcers Pro Tip: Vanessa Raath Uses Inanchor for Searches

In a recent episode of Dueling Sourcers, the educational video series from TechRecruit providing tips, secrets, and hacks for sourcers everywhere, Vanessa Raath and Mark Tortorici provided a number of great ideas to their viewers.


Vanessa explained how she just learned about using the Boolean search string term “inanchor” in searches to help find more specific information when looking for candidates. She explained the term looked at different areas of a profile: “That’s where people put a lot of things in their headlines that are different from their job titles,” she says.


Raath, The Talent Hunter, trains talent acquisition teams to source the best talent faster than their competitors can. Additionally, she’s a sought-after keynote speaker, featured on podcasts, webinars, and radio shows, and has her own blog.


Dueling Sourcers is the monthly show from TechRecruit that proves there is more than one way to source for talent. To find out more about Vanessa and Mark’s tips and hacks, check out the entire Dueling Sourcers episode in the TechRecruit Members Hub.


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