Santoro’s Pro Tips: Using “Multi-AROUND(n)”

In a recent episode of Dueling Sourcers, the educational video series from TechRecruit providing tips, secrets, and hacks for sourcers everywhere, Mike Santoro and Jeremy Bonewitz provided a number of great ideas to their viewers.


Mike explained how to use the new “Multi-AROUND(n)” search method to supercharge a Natural Language Search Sentence in an X-Ray search (Boolean search). With the “Multi-AROUND(n)” method, you can take term A and link it to term B and then take term B and link it to term C, and then take term C and link it to term D when doing a search.


“This is crazy think about because now you can take the term B in the middle and that can actually be around five words from term A and also at the same time around five words from C,” he explained. “And then term C is also around B, and D. So, you can see how you can link these together and make sentence variations of a natural language sentence to really maximize your results.”


Mike is a former professional baseball player turned recruiter/talent sourcer. He specializes in sourcing, engaging, and activating talent for the most difficult and niche searches through advanced talent sourcing techniques.


Dueling Sourcers is the monthly show from TechRecruit that proves there is more than one way to source for talent. To find out more about Mike and Jeremy’s tips and hacks, check out the entire Dueling Sourcers episode in the TechRecruit Members Hub.

Mike Santoro explained using the new “Multi-AROUND(n)” search to supercharge a Natural Language Search Sentence.


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