Mathew: Sourcing on Reddit
In the latest episode of Dueling Sourcers, the educational video series from TechRecruit providing tips, secrets, and hacks for sourcers everywhere, Erin Mathew explains how to source for potential candidates on Reddit.
“Be a Redditor first, a sourcer second,” she says. “This is a community that can be touch and go. You want to make sure you’re giving more than you’re receiving and respect the rules of the community. Make sure you read all of the rules before you post anything.”
The first thing she does once she finds a Forum on Reddit that could be a place to find potential candidates is to see if it has a mega thread for hiring. If there is, and the rules don’t forbid it, that could be a great place to post that you’re looking for a job and reach those hard-to-find candidates.
Erin is a Senior Tech Talent Sourcer at PayPal and is an active contributor to the sourcing community. She has worked in talent acquisition for healthcare, e-commerce, fintech, education, and marketing industries for the past seven years.
Dueling Sourcers is the monthly show from TechRecruit that proves there is more than one way to source for talent. To find out more about Erin’s tips and hacks, check out the entire Dueling Sourcers episode in the TechRecruit Members Hub.
Erin Mathew explains sourcing on Reddit.